These jewelry are examples of what I make. If you would like me to make jewelry for you, please contact carin (at) I like working with minerals, gems, pearls and silver and sometimes mix it with other materials like rubber.
Jewelry in gems/minerals, pearls and sterling silver.
Agat, hematite, sterling silverAgat, hematite, sterling silverAgat, hematite, sterling silverAgat, hematite, sterling silverRosenkvarts, Hematit, silver-ssPrehnit, sterling silverPrehnit, sterling silverFluorite, labradorite, akvamarin -ssSweat water pearls, -sspearls and -ssMixed stones and Hematit, -ssKarneol, Agat, silver-ssRed amber, hematite and -ssRed amber, glas and -ssOplalite (glas), citrin, sterling silverOplalite (glas), citrin, sterling silver